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“Strengthening Your Spirit Bootcamp – An Outline of the Process and Key Points for Engagement for You to Receive the Most Out of Your Bootcamp Experience

Bootcamp is a journey and process rather than an end in itself. We are on a journey with God and one another.

“Strengthening Your Spirit Bootcamp”
focuses on blessing the 7 portions of your human spirit (your inner man) and will build and strengthen the foundation of your spirit connecting with God’s Spirit to take the leadership over your soul. This will benefit your body, soul and heart. Each week, one portion of your spirit is highlighted, blessed and celebrated.

The “Bootcamp”
is a way to discover, develop and strengthen your inner spirit in community with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is a way to strengthen the foundation of your spirit- to-Spirit relationship with God. It is also a way to connect with a wider spiritual community. We grow and develop in “community” because we experience our oneness in Christ. We are learning this strengthening works best in a community of fellow builders.

The Use of Our Bootcamp and Heart Connections Telegram Channels to Share Thoughts, Experiences, Questions
We establish a unique Telegram channel for each Bootcamp for participants to use to share thoughts, experience and questions with other Bootcamp participants. One Channel is where we put resources for you to receive and the other is a group chat. When you complete Bootcamp, you will be asked to join the Heart Connections Telegram Channel to connect with others who have completed the Bootcamp Experience.

Please download the Telegram App at: https://telegram.org/ channel for your Bootcamp and we will send you a link to your Bootcamp group for you to start sharing your experience and questions with others in Community.

Weekly Personal Coaching
An important part of the Bootcamp process is a weekly 30-45 minute personal Coaching for Bootcamp participants. Experience shows that people get the most benefit by being able to process what they are experiencing as they receive the "Daily Blessings" and reflect on them. This is an opportunity to ask questions, deal with challenges and to be blessed.

Bootcamp participants can sign up each week through: https://calendly.com/sharonvanhorn/bootcamp-coaching or emailing us at:
sharon@heartconnectionscommunity.com or sharon@lifeconnectionsinternational.org

Your Story of Your Personal Journey with God: End of the Week Summary of Your Experience
You are developing a story of your journey in discovering what God has placed in your spirit.
Bootcamp Participants receive daily blessings for 5 days for 7 weeks for the portion of the spirit being highlighted. It is important to summarize the journey of your spirit and what you have heard from God as your spirit listens at the end of each week. This can be done verbally (video or audio) or written and can include pictures, music, or other expressions of your spirit. You can share this with your Coach and also at the weekly online Bootcamp Community celebration.

The following questions may help you as you summarize each week.
  • What memories, experiences or connections from your past did this week bring to mind?
  • What did new things did you learn about yourself this week that you didn’t know or remember?

Weekly Online Celebration
The focus of our weekly Bootcamp Community Online Celebrations via Zoom is to celebrate what God has been showing Bootcamp participants during the week. It is an opportunity to share experiences we have had with God during the week and to celebrate and bless each other.
Coming together in the community of the Spirit strengthens our connection with God and one another. As we discover the treasures God has placed in our spirit, we celebrate His love, truth, and glory through testimonies and stories of His goodness.

Eighth Week of Bootcamp : Consolidation and Final Bootcamp Celebration

This is the week to look back at the previous 7 weeks of your “Strengthening Your Spirit Bootcamp” Experience. We continue to send you a blessing each day for the final week (7 days) for each portion of your spirit with questions for reflection. You have become more aware of the portions of your spirit and of the community of your human spirit. If you have done some journaling of the responses of your spirit to the blessings, your entries will help remind you of your experiences with God.

We also suggest during this final week that you practice speaking to your human spirit if you have not done so in the past. You can address your spirit in general or you can address an individual portion. As an example: "Spirit, I bless you in Jesus' Name. I call you forward to connect with Heavenly Father. "Spirit, what do you want me to know? Is there something you can tell me that my soul is not aware of?" You can address each portion of your spirit in this same way: Prophet, Servant, Teacher, Exhorter, Giver, Ruler, and Mercy.

At the End of the 8th Week – Your Final Bootcamp Celebration
  • You will have the opportunity to share and bring closure to your Bootcamp experience through sharing your personal journey and experiencing this with others in Community.
  • You will be able to take part in a time of remembrance as you share in Community with others what God has done and in so doing, give glory to God.
We bless you in Jesus Name to be fully engaged with the full expectation of God meeting you where you are in your journey as you discover more of who He is and who you are in your spirit-to-Spirit connection with Him and your “True Identity”.

We bless you to receive everything He has for you during these weeks of your “Strengthening Your Spirit Bootcamp” Journey!

Bootcamp Ambassadors

Heart Connections Bootcamp Ambassadors

What Are “Bootcamp Ambassadors”? “Bootcamp Ambassadors are people who have completed the 8-week “Bootcamp” as the foundation for continuing the journey to wholeness. They are encouraged to grow in their journey to wholeness and to engage with other Bootcamp graduates in a community of interactive, shared learning which empowers them to grow in their spirit to Spirit relationship with God and others.

Bootcamp Ambassadors

Heart Connections Bootcamp Ambassadors

What Are “Bootcamp Ambassadors”? “Bootcamp Ambassadors are people who have completed the 8-week “Bootcamp” as the foundation for continuing the journey to wholeness. They are encouraged to grow in their journey to wholeness and to engage with other Bootcamp graduates in a community of interactive, shared learning which empowers them to grow in their spirit to Spirit relationship with God and others.

Heart Connections Freedom Basecamp imageHeart Connections Freedom Basecamp imageHeart Connections Freedom Basecamp image
You have discovered many things about how God designed your human spirit with 7 portions and how each is designed to operate in specific ways in connection with God's Holy Spirit.  

Freedom Basecamp is the next step in being equipped and trained to live out of your spirit to Spirit to relationship and God-given design.

During the eight weeks of Training, you will be equipped and not only learn new things about God, yourself and others, you will learn how you have been affected and influenced by a variety of things in this world. You will also practice living out of your spirit and learn to discern the source of the information and input you are receiving.

Your spirit will continued to be strengthened and you will learn more about your design, destiny and the authority you have gained in your walk with God.

The main goal of Freedom Basecamp is for you to experience more freedom as God's precious son and daughter to step into more of the calling and purpose He has created for you.

Now, the “Lord” I’m referring to is the Holy Spirit, and wherever he is Lord, there is freedom.
We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2. Corinthians 3:17-18 TPT)

Freedom Basecamp - Overview of Topics:
(Each topic will include exercises to practice to develop skills and experience)

1. What is “shared reality” and why is it important in the process of
    growing in your spirit-to-Spirit relationship?
2. What are the four voices you hear and how do you discern them?
3. Why is the power of speaking blessings so important in your
    spiritual growth and how do you learn to do it?
4. How do you craft your own Blessings from Scripture?
5. What are some blockages that hinder the flow of life from the
    Holy Spirit to your spirit?
6. Where do these blockages land in your spirit? Where do they land
     in your soul?
7. How do you experience the growth and development of the 7
    Redemptive Gifts?
8. How do you grow in authority in your spirit?
9. What are the 5 areas of Holiness and why are they important?
10. What are some tools to use to release you from attachments to
       ungodly time, people, land, positions and birthright?